Efforts of the past now bearing fruit
As we come to the end of 2019 it is worthwhile to take stock of the many positive outcomes we have seen on the Central Coast over the past year.
In doing so however we need to recognise that most developments happened in the closing years of the old Gosford Council and then during the two year window when The Hon. Anthony Roberts was Planning Minister.
When looking around we see that the Wallarah 2 Coal Mine was approved in August and what a fight that was. A handful of activists fought tooth and nail to stop it, just like they have stopped the Warnervale Airport being reaching its potential as a General Aviation Airport, fortunately both State and Federal Governments saw reason and this coal mine will be very good for the regional economy.
While talking about the Airport, inspite of our recalcitrant Central Coast Council denying the community the opportunity to view the Master Plan for the Airport and in fact moving to create a situation where it would become so dangerous that it would be closed down, the new Planning Minister The Hon. Rob Stokes has moved to review the Warnervale Airport Restriction Act of 1995 thus creating a climate where the Government will take a renewed interest in this essential asset.
Around Gosford CBD we have seen almost a dozen residential developments completed and more commence, thanks to the positive attitude of the last Gosford Council.
Add to this the planning measures put in place to create a Gosford City SEPP by Minister Roberts in 2018 and the Local Planning Panel which takes all development approvals over $5 million out of Council hands introduced by Minister Stokes and you see that the big developers have had the confidence to put their plans forward for a new Gosford City.
Add to this, a few months ago we saw construction start on the new Medical School and Research Institute for the University of Newcastle thanks to the efforts of the Member for Robertson Lucy Wicks to get the financial support from the Federal and State Governments.
Earlier in the year University came out with their plans for a Gosford Campus which Vice Chancellor Prof Alex Zelinsky would like to see up and running within the next five years.
We just need some financial support from both Governments to make this happen.
Meanwhile UON has announced that they are expanding their MBA courses in Gosford in the coming year. So the University of Newcastle is well and truly focussed on Gosford, and will be a major influence on the future of the City.
As we move into 2020 there is much to look forward to, not the least being that in September we will have the opportunity to elect a new Central Coast Council.
This Council has been the worst Council in history and apart from a couple of Councillors all should be thrown out.
The Labor / Green councillors have behaved in the most shocking manner putting party politics and personal activist ideas ahead of the common good of the region.
All we need is for some genuine community minded people to put their hands up and run as independents so that the major parties cannot dominate the council again.
As CCBR celebrates 30 years may we thank all our supporters, our subscriber and advertisers who make it possible to bring this publication out each month.
Finally, may we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year.
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