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Posted in Editorial

For business, is there any alternative to a Morrison Federal Government?

Posted by Edgar Adams on 4 May 2022
For business, is there any alternative to a Morrison Federal Government?
As we move toward the climax of another Federal Election business owners need to think seriously about their future under a union controlled Labor Government. As always the unions will finance most of the ALP’s campaign and of course that means there will be payback.  First cab off the rank will be the treatment of casual workers and gig workers. The unions have been campaigning against casual and gig workers for years. Only a few months ago they had a win in the High Court with...
Posted in:Editorial  

The Central Coast - Where is it going?

Posted by Edgar Adams on 7 April 2022
The Central Coast - Where is it going?
This month we continue with our annual Central Coast Economic Report, an initiative we implemented in April last year, so as to highlight to the community, business and government the state of the regional economy. From around 1995 to 2011 the Central Coast Research Foundation (am offshoot of the highly regarded and long-standing Hunter Valley Research Foundation) provided half yearly Central Coast Economic Updates. The State Government and local councils covered the costs.  Got killed...
Posted in:Editorial  

Increase the rate base

Posted by Edgar Adams on 9 March 2022
Increase the rate base
One of the fundamentals in running a business is to increase turnover by finding new customers.  Not putting up the price. If you try that stunt, and many do, you will soon find that your customers are deserting you. It’s not easy.  Sometimes you are in a market sector that is mature or is geographically constrained. But there is always a way to increase the pie, you just have to think outside the box. Of course government, all levels, don’t see it that way.  Ins...
Posted in:Editorial  

The Central Coast – What to do with it?

Posted by Edgar Adams on 10 February 2022
The Central Coast – What to do with it?
As a businessperson, or an investor, or a property developer looking at the boundless opportunities the Central Coast has to offer you would have to be very frustrated with the mixed messages that you get from government. Since the first Regional Plan for the Central Coast was introduced in the late 1970s that saw a regional shopping centre at Lisarow, which ended up in Erina a few years later, we have seen a plethora of plans and reports to guide the growth of the region. (CCBR’s res...
Posted in:Editorial  

Where’s our university campus?

Posted by Edgar Adams on 8 December 2021
Where’s our university campus?
As we come to the end of the year and take a look back over the past twelve months, one has to wonder about the economic future of our region. Opportunities for business and investment abound and there are plenty of businesses who would relocate to the region if it was made easier. One opportunity is for the establishment of a university campus in Gosford.  This is now crucial to Gosford’s future with the Central Coast Council moving its administrative headquarters to Wyong at a ...
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