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Posted in Editorial

Edgar Adams’ Editorial

Posted by Edgar Adams on 10 July 2024
Edgar Adams’ Editorial
Eight lost years As the clock ticks down to the September 14 Local Government Elections that will see the end of eight years of chaotic management of Central Coast Council, ratepayers wait anxiously to hear who, and how many, people with the capacity to govern the second largest council in NSW, will stand for election. The first Central Coast Council was an outright disaster with all, but two Councillors totally taken up with their own self-serving agendas and quite happy to see the organis...
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Central Coast Mariners bring community together

Posted by Edgar Adams on 17 June 2024
Central Coast Mariners bring community together
Central Coast Mariners bring community together An issue that divides the Central Coast community is the spread out nature of the region with suburbs and villages dispersed throughout.  Everyone has a different agenda and a different opinion.  However, sport has the potential to bring communities together and the Central Coast Mariners’ Grand Final win in late May proved beyond doubt that ‘Our Team’ did just that. For the first time ever the Industree Group Stad...
Posted in:Editorial  

TODs – What they mean for the Central Coast

Posted by Edgar Adams on 8 May 2024
TODs – What they mean for the Central Coast
TODs – What they mean for the Central Coast This month we have focused on Premier Chris Minns’ plans for Transport Oriented Developments around railway stations on the Central Coast. In all there will be 37 TODs from Wollongong to Newcastle with most, of course, in the Sydney Metro Area. The idea behind these TODs is that they create a neighbourhood based on walking, cycling and public transport.  On the Central Coast the focus is on Woy Woy, Gosford, Tuggerah and Wyong. ...
Posted in:Editorial  

Six months to go for new council

Posted by Edgar Adams on 10 April 2024
Six months to go for new council
Six months to go for new council – but will it be out of the fat into the fire   In case you haven’t noticed our Central Coast Council is setting us up for some pretty big rate hikes in the years to come with forecast deficits from 2026-27 (see Page 15). This month we are fortunate to have a highly credentialled former UK local government councillor and former senior banking executive and Central Coast resident, Kevin Brooks, write an analysis of how he sees this Council p...
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Industry Festival focus on value to Coast economy

Posted by Edgar Adams on 5 March 2024
Industry Festival focus on value to Coast economy
This month’s Central Coast Industry Festival will be a must see for all businesses that have a remote connection with our region’s manufacturing industries. Because manufacturers hide out in industrial areas well away from residential and shopping areas they fly under the radar. This is particularly the case on the Central Coast where there are just over 1,000 manufacturing businesses.  But they employ almost 9,000 people and they also depend on local suppliers and services...
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