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Posted in Editorial

State Elections – Good result for Central Coast

Posted by Edgar Adams on 3 April 2023
State Elections – Good result for Central Coast
After twelve years in the wilderness the Central Coast could be coming in from the cold following the March 2023 State Election. From the time they were elected the Liberal government identified with Western Sydney and they threw billions at it.  But on election night it proved to be fruitless. Meanwhile the people of the Central Coast got the message that they were being neglected and further entrenched the region as a Labor stronghold. They went further. In the Terrigal Electorate, ...
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We’re on our own – its all about Western Sydney

Posted by Edgar Adams on 6 March 2023
We’re on our own – its all about Western Sydney
An article in the Sydney Morning Herald of 9th February highlights where the Liberal and Labor Party’s priorities are, and they are not on the Central Coast. The article by Alexandra Smith says that ‘most evenings in the up-for-grab seats NSW Labor is holding focus groups to take the temperature of the electorates….” Winning western Sydney seats is necessary to put him (Opposition Leader Chris Minns) in power, she says. It’s a similar story with the Liberals ...
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Will a change of state government be good for the Central Coast?

Posted by Edgar Adams on 6 February 2023
Will a change of state government be good for the Central Coast?
Welcome to the first issue of CCBR for 2023. As we move into the New Year and try to crystal ball how it will turn out there are some positive factors – but not enough to get the Central Coast economy moving. In Gosford, by the end of March there will be three major developments under construction: StHilliers’ Waterfront, ALAND’s Archibald and Alceon’s Rumbalara projects. The University of Newcastle’s new Campus should start construction in the latter part of ...
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Posted by Edgar Adams on 5 December 2022
  Yes, well in many cases it really has been. In April the Central Coast became part of a Six Cities Mega region, taking in all the three Sydney regions plus Wollongong and Newcastle. The idea being that such a mega region could look something like San Francisco’s Bay Area, the Netherlands’ Randstad, or the Pearl River Delta. Announced by Premier Perrottet, the idea is certainly visionary. However, one must ask, how will the Central Coast fare in this new world? After ...
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Coast hung out to dry -

Posted by Edgar Adams on 14 November 2022
Coast hung out to dry -
With a State Election due in March 2023 CCBR is reviewing the support that Central Coast has received over the twelve years that the Liberals have been running this state. Not much is the short answer. Apart from $600 million for Gosford Hospital, a $20 million contribution to the $72 million University of Newcastle Central Coast Medical School and Research Institute, $200 million on a new Wyong Hospital, $16 million for the new Warnervale Primary School, $640 million on major roads, $42 mi...
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